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  • šŸš© 8 Signs You Have An UNHEALTHY Relationship With Work (& How to Get Out Of The Trap)

šŸš© 8 Signs You Have An UNHEALTHY Relationship With Work (& How to Get Out Of The Trap)

Which of these relate to you?

Hey friend,

Do any of these resonate with you?

šŸš© Work makes you feel overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious more often than not

šŸš© You frequently get "Sunday scaries" (dreading the work week ahead)

šŸš© You have trouble "shutting off,ā€ relaxing (even on PTO), sleeping

šŸš© You feel like you're never doing enough or are always falling behind

šŸš© You feel guilty if you arenā€™t working or being productive

šŸš© You struggle to be present with family & friends because work worries lives rent-free in your mind

šŸš© You always wish you had more time & energy to do things that you actually want to / care about

šŸš© You long to live "freely & lightly" & have "life to the full" like Jesus offers us (but aren't sure how...)

If you said ā€œYESā€ to 1 or more things aboveā€¦ you might have an unhealthy relationship with work. (And you probably know it, too.)

But the GOOD news is, friendā€¦


This is a FREE 10-Day Devotional & Application Guide full of Biblical TRUTH, Reflection QUESTIONS / PROMPTS, & ACTION Stepsā€”intentionally designed to help you work (and live!) with deep, sustainable PEACE instead of striving!

(Who doesnā€™t want that?! šŸ˜† )

Andā€¦ itā€™s completely. FREE.

We made this guide because we spent decades in the hamster cycle ourselves.

  • Chronically overwhelmed with too much to do, stressed about having so many tight deadlines, and honestly unsure as to HOW to get out of the constant pressures around us.

  • Trying to make our bosses, coworkers, friends, family happyā€¦ but often seemingly disappointing someone, somehowā€¦ Including ourselves.

  • Experiencing health issues like skin rashes and stomachaches during especially intense seasons and heavy workloads

  • and much moreā€¦

Through the years, God has been doing a radical transformation in both of us in this area of workā€¦ lovingly correcting us from the ways of the world, and instead teaching us to work WITH him and his grace.

To trust him beyond our head knowledge, but with our hearts, which overflows into our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

To completely change the ways we view and engage with workā€¦ so that itā€™s honoring to Godā€”WHILE honoring own human limitations.

Weā€™ve shared some of our biggest lessons in this devotional.

And we pray that they help you work (and live) with FREEDOM from the burdens you were never meant to carry.


Grace & Alex

P.S. Share the link above with someone in your life struggling with work/life balance! And if you enjoy it, be sure to tag us @withthetrans on IGā€”weā€™d love to see! šŸ’— 


or to participate.