This is probably one of our MOST IMPORTANT episodes yet.

Ever wonder: What is it exactly that's keeping you STUCK?

Hey friends,

We’re gonna come right out and say it:

This is probably one of the MOST IMPORTANT episodes we've recorded to date. 😳

Because it’s all about tearing down the walls that the enemy uses to keep you STUCK, DISCOURAGED, and DISEMPOWERED - so that you DON’T fulfill the divine purposes God created you specifically for. ❗️ 

So what is it exactly that's keeping you STUCK?

Whether it's overcoming comparison, fear of people's opinions, imposter syndrome, financial anxiety, chronic stress, burnout, confusion and purposelessness, insert-your-own-struggle-here... today, we're unpacking (like, really unpacking) 3 common barriers to experiencing lasting freedom and transformation.

We talk about everything from the impact of our childhood experiences, to how to get out of toxic self-talk cycles, to our heart-mind connection and how to get authentically - and powerfully - connected with God and ourselves.

 Episode 23 is OUT NOW  

3 REASONS Why You HAVEN’T Been Able To Change (& HOW To Overcome Them)

💬 Join us for this conversation as we unpack…

  • 3 key reasons most people stay stuck in unhealthy and self-sabotaging cycles

  • Common symptoms of each

  • Personal examples of each from our own lives

  • The way forward / practical solutions for each and what they look like

  • Where shame and self-condemnation often stem from

  • Selflessness vs. self-neglect

  • Self-care vs. selfishness

  • The power of someone guiding us through the process

  • The danger of solely “logical” reasoning

  • A key theme across ALL of our episodes

  • The importance of humility and ownership

  • A prayer for you ❤️

  • An opportunity take a powerful step forward in your healing journey

  • And much more…

We encourage you to join us as we dissect the invisible culprits likely holding you back from seeing the changes you deeply desire, as well as give you practical examples to help you take steps forward.

If you find this episode helpful… please let us know / share your thoughts in the comments!

We pray that this episode blesses you - and that today we’d also all take a moment to remember and honor the many lives impacted on this day… while continuing to move forward with hope and resilience.

❤️ Alex & Grace


or to participate.